Category: Eclipse

  • Oh yeah, the build is green

    A green bar for a good feeling! Thanks to the help and support of Dave Carver who finally fixed all failing JUnit tests, the build (actually the tests) is green. Download the latest XML Security Tools release from Attention: this is still an integration build, so use it at your own risk! Reason for…

  • XML Security Tools builds available

    XML Security Tools version 0.5 (the first official version) is available for download at (scroll down to xmlsec-R0.5). A lot of JUnit tests fail at the moment in the automatic build process, which does not happen locally (yeah, that’s always a good excuse!). But at any time be aware that this is a nightly…

  • Speaking at EclipseCon 2009

    My talk Incubating XML Security Tools has been accepted, I'm speaking at EclipseCon 2009! This will be my first time at EclipseCon (I've been attending Eclipse Summit Europe though), and I'm already that excited! This will be so cool! Have a look at my talk and stay tuned for more information. Update, 20.12.2008: Date and…

  • JCrypTool 1.0.0 Milestone 3 available

    JCrypTool is an e-learning platform presenting cryptography and cryptanalysis in a modern and easy-to-use fashion. It is built as platform-independent open-source software based on Java and Eclipse (Rich Client Platform, RCP). Milestone 3, available from today, of JCrypTool continues the changes started in the Milestone 2 release. The complete JCrypTool platform is now completely available…

  • Eclipse Product Configurations

    An Eclipse Product Configuration (stored in a *.product file) makes RCP branding easy and offers an easy way to create a run menu entry for the RCP by simply clicking on the “Launch an Eclipse application” link. This even updates the run menu entry. But lately we ran into a, in my eyes, huge disadvantage:…

  • XML Security Tools Update

    Seit einigen Wochen ist ja mein XML-Security Plug-In in Form der XML Security Tools im Eclipse Web Tools Platform Incubator gelandet. Die Arbeit geht voran, unter finden sich jetzt auch Hinweise auf das neue Projekt. Das werde ich in den nächsten Tagen noch ausbauen. Ich hoffe im Laufe der nächsten Woche den Build Process…