Category: Eclipse

  • EGit pushes all local branches when no explicit RefSpec is found

    Cloning a Git repository with EGit 1.0 and no further configuration causes some unexpected behavior. The moment you clone a repository, say from GitHub, everything is set up for you, and you are ready to push and pull. And since you fully adopted the Git workflow, you do create a new branch for every bug…

  • Push up your code – next generation version control with (E)Git @ Java Forum Stuttgart

    The slides from my talk Push up your code – next generation version control with (E)Git today at the Java Forum Stuttgart are available for download. All the other slides are available here.

  • XML Security tutorials now on GitHub

    The German XML Security tutorials are now developed on GitHub. This does not affect the Eclipse XML Security Tools at all; the German tutorials will never be integrated there. The sources are only used to generate the tutorials available on my home page. I'm working on some content updates. As soon as this will be…

  • Integrating XML Security Tools into JCrypTool – chapter 2

    More updates for the XML Security Tools in JCrypTool: download our latest pre release candidate 5 build and enjoy a working Digital Signature wizard! Most of the other stuff is working too, at least partly. Feel free to report bugs or missing features, your feedback is always welcome.

  • Integrating XML Security Tools into JCrypTool – chapter 1

    The first commands of the XML Security Tools are running in JCrypTool! Download our latest pre release candidate 5 build and have a first look. There is still a lot to do, only the XML Canonicalization is fully working so far. And most of the documentation is available. The integrated Apache XML Security library has…

  • My session at the Java Forum Stuttgart

    My session for the upcoming Java Forum Stuttgart, Push up your code – next generation version control with (E)Git, was accepted! May session takes place at 12:15 p.m. (D4). As you can probably guess, it is about Git, especially about the Eclipse version EGit. The slides are in English, but I'll be speaking German. See…

  • Eclipse WindowBuilder release available

    There are tons of really good Eclipse plug-ins out there. But a really good GUI builder wasn't available so far. This has changed with the WindowBuilder proposal in December 2010, announcing the relocation of the famous (and formerly commercial) Eclipse GUI builder plug-in to Eclipse. WindowBuilder is now an official Eclipse plug-in, finally making available…

  • Checking out a deleted project at a particular revision with Subversive

    I have tried to check out a deleted project (a plug-in project in this case) from the JCrypTool Plug-ins repository today with Eclipse Subversive. I couldn’t figure out a good way to do this. The only solution I came up with was to find the revision in which this folder still existed and to use…

  • Developers wanted

    As you might know, I‘m the component lead for the Eclipse XML Security Tools. Since my time is very limited, I haven‘t done much lately. Which is sad, since XML Security is an important topic in the ever growing web services world. And Eclipse is a great platform! That‘s the reason why I‘m looking for…

  • The trouble

    Recently we have upgraded JCrypTool from Eclipse 3.5 to Eclipse 3.6. And had to bring in a bunch of new plug-in dependencies since org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk suddenly required (and of course required some more plug-ins). Thanks to Kai‘s Blog there is a solution for this problem now (or better a workaround). My question is, why…