(J)CrypTool in the news

The German magazine Datenschutz und Datensicherheit is publishing an article (in the March 2009 edition) about the most famous e-learning tool on cryptography and cryptanalysis: CrypTool. Yes, the J is missing here on purpose so far, JCrypTool still needs some time to grow and mature. The article is named CrypTool – Ein Open-Source-Projekt in der Praxis. Beside the original CrypTool it covers CrypTool 2.0 (the .net variant) and of course JCrypTool too. I was interviewed for this part, so the article contains a lot of my thoughts, views and ideas about the JCrypTool open source project.

There is no online version available yet, but the CrypTool home page will provide a pdf as soon as the team is allowed to do so.



