We updated JCrypTool Analysis Plug-ins to version 0.3.1 (a refreshed milestone 3 version) today. This update is only available via our Eclipse Update Site at http://www.cryptool.org/jcryptool/update, and not as a bundle download. Simply launch JCrypTool 1.0 Milestone 3 (only this version is supported), call Help – Software Updates – Check for Updates (or for the Germans: Hilfe – Software Updates – Auf Updates überprüfen). Install what is offered: the Dependencies Feature version 0.3.1 is available too. You MUST install both features since we had a nice bug in the shipped Dependencies Feature 0.3.0, which makes it impossible to install new features…
This update fixes some major bugs in all Analysis Plug-ins; installation is recommended. The next official release will be milestone 4, release date is sometime in March 2009.