Category: JCrypTool

  • JCrypTool 1.0.0 Release Candidate 7 available

    JCrypTool 1.0.0 Release Candidate 7 is available for download! We fixed a lot of bugs, enhanced a lot of features and integrated six new crypto plug-ins: New visualization plug-in Extended RSA New visualization plug-in Signature Demonstration New visualization plug-in Public-Key Infrastructure New visualization plug-in Huffman Coding New visualization plug-in Shanks Babystep-Giantstep New games plug-in Divide…

  • JCrypTool Tycho builds finally working

    The last couple of days brought a lot of updates for the Eclipse Tycho build in JCrypTool. And I‘m happy to say that everything is working now (except some minor issues). Since JCrypTool is a rather complex RCP (about 45 core plug-ins/ features, about 75 crypto plug-ins/ features) the setup required quite some time and…

  • Solved the Eclipse RCP export failure on OS X

    After a lot of trial and error, I’ve solved the Eclipse RCP export failure on OS X. The solution was to force Eclipse to use Java 1.6 and not the default 1.7. Simply add the following line to your eclipse.ini: -vm /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/bin/java

  • Eclipse RCP export failure

    Even though the JCrypTool runtime in Eclipse is working perfectly fine, exporting the product via the Product Configuration Editor fails on OS X 10.8.2 with Java 1.7.0_09 (the same happened with 1.7.0_07). Every export crashes after 2 percent with the following exception: /[…]/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/temp/org.eclipse.pde.container.feature/[…]/build.xml:31: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_09.jdk/Contents/Home/Classes does not exist. The following error occurred while executing this line:…

  • Alphabetically sorting Eclipse RCP help pages and custom bookmark titles

    Extending the Eclipse help in a RCP is easy. However, there seem to be some hidden features as we have lately discovered for JCrypTool. Since JCrypTool is heavily based on crypto plug-ins which do extend our platform, we do include lots of other plug-ins via anchors in the online help: <topic label=”Signatures” href=”toc.html” sort=”true”>   <anchor…

  • JCrypTool Release Candidate 6 available

    JCrypTool Release Candidate 6 is available for download! This release contains many improved and extended features as well as lots of bugfixes. Download it today via the CryptTool Portal or via the update manager in your JCrypTool installation. Have a look at our wiki for detailed release information. At least at the moment it looks like this will…

  • JCrypTool release candidate 6 takes a little while longer…

    As you may have already noticed, JCrypTool release candidate 6 (RC6) is already delayed. While there are still some (minor) issues we are working on, both in core and crypto, the main reason for the delay is this bug in FlexiProvider. This issue causes endless loops in different FlexiProvider operations and makes some crypto plug-ins…

  • Apache XML Security 1.5.0 released

    Apache Santuario 1.5.0 has been released. As the release notes point out, this release is not binary compatible with Santuario 1.4 any more. There are some really good updates included, of which I like that Xalan/Xerces are not required dependencies any more the most. Under the covers, support for Java 1.4 was dropped, and generics…

  • JCrypTool Release Candidate 5a available

    JCrypTool release candidate 5a (RC5a) is available (German and English download page). This update was necessary for our new update site URL at Even if you have already changed the URL manually, we recommend updating to the new version 0.9.6 anyway.

  • New CrypTool Portal available

    The new CrypTool Portal is online! This portal unifies all CrypTool projects – CrypTool 1, CrypTool 2, JCrypTool, CrypTool online and Mystery Twister C3 – in a single place. Visit it today, and don't forget the new JCrypTool pages in English and German. Be aware that our former weekly builds download page cannot be accessed…